Speedometer 1.0
This speedometer uses the GPS from your Android device to measureyour speed. You can adjust the maximum speed displayed according toyour activity like driving a car or motorbike, cycling, running,walking, etc. The indicator on the center bottom of the dialbecomes green when your device receives GPS information. A redindicator is displayed when your current speed can not be measured.On some devices the GPS reports the speed in regular intervals, theNexus 4 and 5 seem to use 0.9km/h as minimum interval which resultin rather "jumpy" movements of the needle when you display thespeed in the interval 0-10km/h (Walking). This app prevents yourdisplay from going into sleep mode. The accuracy of the measuredand displayed speed depends on a lot of factors like GPS(availability/quality of signal and accuracy) and the processingspeed of your Android device. GPS data refreshes at a typical rateof once every second. This app is by no means a replacement forcalibrated speed measuring devices and should be used forrecreational purposes only. The developer cannot be heldresponsible for the correctness of the information displayed. Thedeveloper disclaims and makes no warranties, express or implied,concerning this app, including, without limitation, any impliedwarranties of fitness for a particular purpose. In no event is thedeveloper liable to you or any other person or entity for anyindirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, includingloss of profit or goodwill, for any matter arising out of the use ofthis app.
minusOne Free 1.1
Are you smart enough to solve these puzzles?
minusOne 1.0 (20111108)
The object of this game is to end up with a board filled with onlyzero's. When you tap on a field the number in this field and allthe neighbors (horizontal, vertical and diagonal) are decreased byone, hence the name minusOne. The game can be played on boards ofsizes 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5 and you can choose from five levels ofdifficulty. Don't be fooled by the simplicity of the rules, you'llsoon discover that larger boards and higher levels are realbrainteasers. This game contains thousands of different puzzles,see if you can solve more puzzles than your friends.
NL text Watch Face 1.0
This dial for Android Wear watches displays the time in Dutch text.
IBAN Calculator NL 1.1
De huidige bankrekeningnummers van een groot aantal landen-waaronder Nederland - worden in de nabije toekomst vervangendoorhet International Bank Account Number [IBAN] in het kader vandeSingle Euro Payments Area [SEPA]. Deze app bepaalt aan de handvaneen bank en een Nederlands bankrekeningnummer de bijhorendeIBAN.De ingevoerde rekeningnummers worden gecontroleerd via de11-proef,tenzij het oud-Postbanknummers betreft. Tevens wordt deBankIdentifier Code [BIC] van de gekozen bank getoond, deze BICis(nog) vereist bij grensoverschrijdende betalingen. Bijhetontwikkelen en testen van deze app is de grootstmogelijkezorgvuldigheid in acht genomen. De ontwikkelaar van dezeapp kanniet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor onjuistheden en/ofonjuistgebruik. De toepassing van de informatie uit deze app isvoorrisico van de gebruiker. Bronnen en referenties * BIC enBankIdentifier: Betaalvereniging Nederland, update 14 september2012*IBAN-algoritme:http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Bank_Account_Number*11-proef: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elfproef
HtmlDev 1.1
Develop and debug html-pages including javascript and CSS on yourAndroid device